Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Finally I have some time to blog... alas its not even free lol... just steal a bit of time or the pieces of thoughts here will all fall to shreds....lalala...

The grass is always greener on the other side.. how true-er can that be...
When I was still in foundation or pre-u (whatever you wanna call it la), I have always envied those doing degree.. How important must they feel, learning about the trade that will be their bread and butter.... How insignificant I feel etc etc...
But now that I'm in degree, somehow I wanted to be back in foundation (not that I want to go back, startover bla bla)... But just remembering all those free hours we have, the nothingness which use to bore me over and over.... Back home with nothing to do...aaaahhh...

Now, there's no such thing as a 'free time'.... even those hours which there's no classes or lectures, or labs, or tutorials are now filled with meetings, discussion bla bla bla....
I wonder why we have this crappy subject in the very first year... creating company, tender, designing, building... student engineer my head lol....
I dont say its not good but thats just too much work too fast man.. I imagined this maybe in the 4th year or at leasr 3rd year.. but 1st year..wow!!

Barely even enjoyed the fact that I'm in degree, and I'm already past a few due dates for the sub... I can see the business 1st years, geology people still hanging around, considered relaxing la.. save for all the stuff they need to study... and US, site visit is already creeping up, 1st stage of the project needs to be done by Friday and the worst part its just the THIRD week!!!!!! Foundation student just only had their first class today...LOL

Rugby, didnt attend even ONE single training yet.. its either I have lab on that day or too damn tired after all that goes in the head..( mostly the latter of course).... Should I continue or not/ It had been so much fun, but I guess I just lost the motivation after 3 months of total break...
Trying to search back the old high I guess....

Nothing is always on the down side though..thanks for the seniors... nothing but thanks to them.. helping out with all sorts of stuff... I guess they know how we feel, been there done that stuff... Hopefully it can all go with a breeze and then I'd be done...WOOHOO....
too fast thinking bout the good stuffs....

Student Engineer...thats what I am.... (errr, thats what them Uni people wants us to be laaaa)...
Chao...hopefully something fast soon..hehe

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